Vertical Garden

Artist In Residency Programs

Who We Are

Project Sustainability, DBA, ‘Vertical Garden’ was founded in 2013 and is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our organization is committed to inspiring youth about green infrastructure using science, technology, engineering, art, & math (STEAM). Since 2013, our organization has participated in projects around the United States, Africa, Malaysia, and provided curriculum assistance to schools in Europe.

This next decade is dedicated to expanding our program and using design thinking, collaboration, and art directly in classrooms to inspire youth to appreciate how STEAM and sustainability are related.

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Artist in Residency Program

We inspire youth about combining nature with STEAM fields through an in-class artist in residency program.

Enroll your School

Learn how your school can participate in the artist in residency program.

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Become a Partner

While our primary impact is focused in the United States, we seek local partners in strategic areas around the world to help us inspire students and youth about combining nature with STEAM. To inquire about a partnership, please contact us.

Our Partner

Vertical Garden is supported by Spaces Design Build. Spaces Design Build specializes in outdoor living spaces, interior landscapes, architecture, and interior design, with projects spanning the United States and countries around the world, where proceeds go to supporting the efforts of Vertical Garden.